Celebrating Your Birthday Every Month: December 2021 Prompt

Celebrating Your Birthday Every Month

"One of the rituals that I've made part of my life is the celebration of my birthday once a month. . . . On the twenty-eighth of every month, I make a special effort to spend more time in prayer, to have a greater awareness of others, to spend some time with beauty, to reflect gratefully on my birth. It is a celebration of what is important in life. Even when I'm traveling and can't take a day off, I still find ways to make this day unique. For me, it's not a day to receive presents. It's a day to be present. I also try to give a little gift to someone on this day."

— Gold in Your Memories by Macrina Wiederkehr (1939-2020)
Benedictine Sister in Arkansas

Can you picture yourself celebrating your birthday each month? What would you plan to do on that day? Make a To-Do list for the special day you could follow each month.