Having retired in 2012, I looked forward to having no boss to answer to. Alas, I was unaware that all along I had been staff writer for a chief editor who was both charming and manipulative. Smokie, a Russian blue, 15 years old, has a master’s degree in the feline arts (MFA). He is in charge of my writing schedule. I may have an idea just before I wake up and want to get it typed, but Smokie must be fed first. Sometimes he cleans up his dish; sometimes he strolls around it, meowing for a different choice. While I look for grocery bargains, Smokie gets top of the line food without any grain.
Priorities are important.
Some people have body pillows for sleeping. I have a cat who may lie on my feet, across my stomach, or on my head. He can stretch himself out like a piece of warm purring foam. Toward morning, before the sun comes up, Smokie creeps up to my face. I stroke his forehead and cheeks, without opening my eyes, but then I am awake. Smokie jumps down and leaps to the kitchen. I have tried to hide my head under the covers, but Smokie’s paw lifts the edge and gives me ‘the look.’ Cats can manage to look down their nose even though it is almost flat.
Going to my desk, I am happy to see Smokie sitting in the window or laying in the sun. I can start work where I left off the day before. I will have a big block of time. Those are productive days.
Two behaviors, however, can interfere. One is carefully rolling every pencil, pen, and highlighter to the edge of my desk and waiting for it to fall while looking at me sideways. The other, and by far the worse, is to perch at the tip edge of the table next to my right arm, to sit so close that I fear he will fall off. So, I pet him, just what he wants. I tell myself that I must not have been paying enough attention to my boss.
Then, when I am on a Zoom meeting, he starts sticking his paw out and poking my cheek. I get up and rush him out and close the door behind him. Peace. Quiet. Several hours of concentration undistracted. Then the shunning of me begins. On the back of the couch, at the bottom of my bed, behind my monitor, Smokie hovers, his back to me, with a proud tilt to his head, never looking at me. This disapproval might last two whole days. I am a disappointment to my boss.
Prompt: List three manipulative things your cat does that can interrupt your work.
Pick one and write a scene description of the interaction.