A Pondering Prompt Summer 2023
I have friends on Zoom meetings whose desks are in their craft rooms. I can’t take my eyes off the stacks of so many shades of folded cottons behind them on their shelves for piece quilts. Other friends have stashes of antique sewing and embroidery, yarn, paint, beads and gemstones. I keep a word and idea stash. For all of us these treasures we save present possibilities.
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I have to admit that my walking shoes are ugly. When I look down, my feet look too big, too wide, and too long. In my mind I have three images of beautiful shoes and beautiful feet.
As a girl, in National Geographic, I saw lovely children and young women being carried because they couldn’t walk. Their feet, with broken bones, had been bound since infancy.
My mother had dyed-to-match pointed-toe high heels in the 1950’s to 1960’s. I thought she was beautiful, but her shoes that matched each outfit caused bunions and mis-shapen toes.
Now I see powerful women like Nancy Pelosi wearing stilletos. The narrow six to seven inch heels are sharp and dangerous if used as a weapon. Stilletos make women taller, lengthen their legs, emphasize their bust, and typically cost $700 for executives. Clearly they don’t have any wiggle room for toes.
The term “wiggle room” comes from the Depression Era in the 1930’s.
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How Would You Talk to A Fifth Grader About Not Going Back to School? Since the April 20, 1999 massacre at Columbine High, 279 students have been murdered in school. If you count the number enrolled in those target schools, 311,000 students have experienced gun violence. (The Washington Post). These have been called the Lockdown Generations.
A mother named Gal Beckerman has made this proposal in The Atlantic: “Today, I’m left with one conclusion: The children and parents of our country need to take the summer to organize locally, build a set of national demands, and then refuse to go back to school in the fall until Congress does something.”
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Prompt for a writing exercise: What is the nicest thing that anybody has ever done to you? What is the nicest thing anybody has ever said or written to you?
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