Pants on fire
“My mother always lied to me.” Keep going…
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“My mother always lied to me.” Keep going…
Think of three cherished things you would grab in case of a fire.
(You don't have a pet or small toddler or baby,)
Write about one cherished item.
Why is it special? Is there a story behind it?
Think of someone who irritates you whom you know fairly well.
Make up a name for this individual.
Now write up a list of five resolutions for the New Year you wish they would make.
I was dusting the fronts of my bookcase shelves when I accidentally knocked off the pot made by the head of the art department where I went to college so many years ago. A piece of the flared lip broke off. I could have glued it back carefully. I don’t know what came over me, but I threw the pot on the floor and it smashed into triangles and shards. The “Window of Understanding” on the pot, as he called the blue square outlined on the grey clay, was now in three pieces.
I remember what he said when he gave it to me. He whispered…..
When I was a child/kid, my favorite candy was _________________. It was (color) and smelled like______________. Neighbors never gave them out for Halloween. One time I fell asleep with one in my mouth. When I woke up, _____________.
** We would love to read what you have written. Please post in the comment section.
Write a sentence that begins with each of these words:
They can be questions or statements.
Now write a paragraph using all of 4 of your sentences, telling a story.
"The reasons I keep my blinds closed are that..."
Write this sentence down and keep writing for 10 minutes or longer if your mind gets hooked.
"When I first saw her she was carrying a cat with a crooked tail."
(from June Shillabeer)
© 2018-2025 Bonnie Henderson Schell
Website design by Betty Aubut, inFlow Productions